Interesado en conocer el Ecuador, las Islas Galápagos y el mundo? ¡Póngase en contacto con nuestros expertos agentes de viajes para comenzar a planificar su aventura!

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(02) 290-5331
Juan León Mera 1574 y La Pinta, Edificio Opladen, 1er Piso, Of. 1-A, Quito-Ecuador.
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The Avenue of the Volcanoes

The Avenue of the Volcanoes

South to the capital of Ecuador – Quito, along a 300 km route, there are more than 70 volcanoes, among them: the Cayambe (18,994 ft.), the Antisana (18,718 ft.), the Illiniza Sur (17,268 ft.), the Cotopaxi (19,348 ft.), the Quilotoa (12,840 ft.), the Chimborazo (20,703 ft.), the Tungurahua (16,480 ft.), the Altar (17,452 ft.), and the Sangay (17,465 ft.). Alexander von Humboldt, a famous German explorer and naturalist, called it the Avenue of the Volcanoes in 1812.

Enjoy a beautiful trip through the Avenue of the Volcanoes, accompanied by the enigmatic presence of some of the most incredible volcanoes on earth. Learn about the close connection between the Ecuadorians and the volcanoes, and how they live peacefully surrounded by them. As Humboldt said, “Ecuadorians are rare and unique beings, they sleep peacefully in the midst of crisp volcanoes, live poor in the midst of incomparable riches and rejoice with sad music”.

We invite you to live an unforgettable experience traveling through the Avenue of the Volcanoes with your family and friends. Contact us for free travel concierge and for any questions or queries you may have.

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