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The endemic & native animals of the Galapagos Islands – Part 2

In a recent post we talked about the amazing Galapagos’ wildlife, including some types of animals found nowhere else in the world. We are going to talk today about other wonderful animals of the Enchanted Islands. We hope you can learn some interesting facts about these unique creatures of the Galapagos, also known as the natural laboratory of evolution

  1. Galapagos hawks: The Galapagos haws are endemic to the Enchanted Islands, which means they can only be seen in this place. These large birds are the second heaviest buteo in America, behind the ferruginous rough-leg, and they feed on land and sea birds, iguanas, lizards, baby tortoises, and insects. 
  2. Flightless cormorant: These large birds are also endemic to the Galapagos, and are known to be the only known cormorant in the world that has lost the capacity to fly. They can be seen on two islands: the Fernandina, the third largest island of the Galapagos, and the western shores of Isabela. They mostly feed on fish, octopus and squid. 
  3. Large painted locust: This insect is endemic to the Galapagos. They can be seen on mostly all islands of the archipelago, except the Española Island. They are mostly predated on two animals that we have actually talked before in other posts: the Galapagos hawks and the lava lizards. You will effortlessly identify this insect, especially because of their bright color. 
  4. Galapagos pink-iguana: This colorful reptile can be seen around Wolf Volcano (Isabela Island), and was formally classified in 2009 as a separate species of land iguanas. Very little is known about this animal, mainly because its small population and location. They are unfortunately classified as an endangered species. 
  5. Galapagos albatross: These large birds are also known as the waved albatrosses, and the only member of the family Diomedeidae that inhabit the tropics. Their lifespan may reach 40 to 45 years, and they breed mainly on Española Island, Genovesa Island, and continental Ecuador (Isla de la Plata, Manabí province). They primarily feed on fish, crustaceans, squid and small birds. 
  6. Galapagos marine iguanas:  These reptiles are endemic to the Galapagos Islands, and have the ability to forage in the ocean for algae and seaweed, which make up almost all of their diet. They are famous around the world for being the only marine lizard, and also for their incredible diving skills. 
  7. Galapagos green turtles: These marine reptiles are native to the Galapagos Islands, and can been seen in few places in the world. They are the only turtle species that reproduce and nest in the Enchanted Islands. We invite you to see them in your next trip to the Galapagos Islands!


The Galapagos Islands are one of the most incredible places in the world. We invite you to visit them if you are planning your next vacation, you won´t be disappointed! We recommend you to explore these volcanic islands on an all-inclusive yacht, which is the best way to discover this natural laboratory of evolution. 

Tags: Galapagos, animals, endemic, native, nature, livestock, yachts, reptiles, birds. 

Meta: In the following post we are going to talk about the amazing livestock of the Galapagos Islands. Some of the animals mentioned in this article are endemic (found nowhere else in the world) or native (found in specific places in the world, including the Galapagos). Hope you enjoy this article! 

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